Friday, May 23, 2008

Day 48: Friday of Week 7!

Friday. Oh thank God. We are all so....done. Already it's clear that it'll take some work and focused effort to really get it up for these last two weeks. That said, isn't it crazy to hear the words last two weeks!?!? How did that happen?!

Friday morning we got a big treat in that Zeb, one of my favorite staffers, finally taught a class. (He's on the blond one on the left of the microphone in the photo below). He has a stunning voice, and one night in posture clinic he had us stand up and directed us through a few Pranayama deep breaths, and I thought, "Oh man, I want to take his class!" It was worth the wait. Part of the excitement is that he just went through training last fall, and it gave us all hope and inspiration that one could be that good, that fast. I did great in the standing, but had less fun on the floor, which seems to be sucking the energy and life out of me lately. Still, somehow, I remembered to BREATHE and just focused on breathing and being here now - trying not to anticipate the next posture, or how long I had to go, or what I might eat for breakfast. It was a bit of a breakthrough, since often when I have yoga-brain I can't think. It's like I'm trapped in class and can't imagine how in the world I will get through and end up somewhere between antsy and panicked. In this case, I thought, "I could just do the yoga." And my mind responded, "Um, you already are doing that, genius, and how's that workin' out panicky fidgeting lady??" and then a little voice said, "Breathe."

They tell us this all the time. I know this. I tell people to do this. But when you are there, it's hard to actually remember what to do, and for me, on Day 48, I actually remembered at the right time! While I still struggled to a degree, it was way better than if I hadn't thought of that. Water consumption is still going well, I'm having a Pedialyte (yep, still intestinally distressed) throughout class, and 32oz. of cool, non-icy water.

Bonus: Just as class was starting, I heard the thunk of a teacher's mat going down behind me (I was in Row 12) and it was none other than Craig, practicing on my heels! It was good though, I may have worked a little bit harder but for a time forgot he was there. Perhaps we should all always practice like Craig is at the base of our mats??? (Though it may be a bit.....exhausting) :)

We went to posture clinic after some time in the lecture hall where Joel, master teacher, said his farewells. A good time was had by all (see video bonus post) and some pent up energy was unloaded which seemed to be a group need. I opted not to do my Spine Twist dialogue since I didn't feel wholly prepared, and just chilled out.

Afternoon class was with Bikram. It was decidedly cooler than yesterday's killer class, and he was tough but not too tough. He said it was our best class yet, because he set us up for it: Yesterday he killed us, and today, we work extra hard and have an amazing class. I did ok and only drank about 12 oz. of water. Proof again that it can be done, but I do admit it depends a lot on how hot it is and how well-hydrated I am. I think it's just one of those things that will ebb and flow for me, but I'm happy to have gotten off my orange jug, and thanks to advice from Zeb, and Mary Jarvis' comment, I was inspired (finally) to make it happen!

Friday night....Bikram wanted to show us another film. This one was not as good as Thursday night's, and I opted to just sleep. Christian & Todd went to the floor, opening up extra chairs for Jennifer & I to use. I got some good sleep, as well as just checked out for a bit. We were excused around 1:30 a.m., and of course had to be up for 8 a.m. class Saturday, but is what it is!

Oh - one other thing that happened this week that was unexpected and interesting to some of us (annoying to others) was after one of the nighttime lectures, we had to sign OUT. Apparently, the lecture hall was fashioned with the exact number of chairs as there are students. Well, once lecture started, chairs were empty - implying people signed in, and then left. This of course is a "compromise of integrity" (a Craig-ism), and well, kinda cheating, no? So, the ever-reliable rumor-mill confirmed 6 people attempted this ploy. No one knows who, or what happened to them, but they didn't have to make us sign out again, that is for sure!

Pix: Above, another attempt at a full shot of Group #14, but again we were missing someone! Damn ! (Aurelie was not there); Classes #73 & 74; My view at lunch; Joel says goodbye with a Hare Krishna chant (Zeb is on the left, pal and fellow-14'er Luke is on the right); Three boys in tandem do their dialogue, it was a hoot - a dialogue Trio!

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