Monday, July 28, 2008

Almost Back In Action

This is a long, long time without yoga. And it's been good in a eating-chocolate-cake-sure-is-good-but-not-good-for-you kinda way. So, here's what I've learned from my forced 2-week break from teaching and practicing Bikram yoga.

First, my sleep has been profoundly affected. I'm a good sleeper - one of my physical blessings. But, in the past two weeks, I've been clenching my teeth again (something that went away with weight loss/yoga). Jill pointed it out one day when we napped. It's typically a result of stress, and though there are a few things going on in life, comparatively, I'm not feeling particularly this struck me as odd. Second, I've had some wicked horrific nightmares - again, not something that happens often - it's been years since dreams of this magnitude have surfaced. And, lastly, I've woken up early, my mind spinning a bit and forcing me out of bed at ridiculous times in lieu of laying there...well, spinning. And again, not that much is happening to cause me to spin! I'm not worried about this and if anything, what awesome learning, no? I mean, we all know the yoga is good for us. But this kind of clear demonstration of it's far-reaching benefits helps inspire me back to my mat, and encourage others to do the same!

Second, the obvious lack of energy, physical fitness-feeling/confidence, and that yummy "I'm all yoga'd" feeling every day has been apparent. I just feel sluggish, a little dumpy and not so...I dunno, fresh. :) Still, I've not been a total slug as I've worked a ton at my job (some physical gigs) and gone on lots of walks and whatnot, but clearly, it's not the same, or enough.

The only good things I found were that well, truth be told, as mentioned in my last post, having so much time was just crazy. Eating whenever I wanted, not planning my whole day around the logistics of getting to class (not to mention, getting in practices and teaching classes too)...this part did feel look at my calendar some days and have literally nothing on it. (Yes, I do schedule my practices in my Google calendar...I have a separate calendar just for practicing and teaching even...I know, organizing geek's'r'us).

Jill made the point of how good this break was for me - as I'd have never opted to take 2 weeks off at home; while I could see doing so if I was on a trip with no access to yoga, but not at home! The exercise of taking time off in the midst of regular, daily life has been very eye-opening and if anything, reaffirmed my commitment and passion for the yoga. In addition, it provided me even more insight in to all of the goodness it brings me outside of the obvious, and I'm always a big fan of more information, especially when it leads to more motivation!

Tomorrow is day 10 since my little surgery, and 2 weeks since the tattoo. Everything seems healed and ready to go. Jill said, "I told someone how, knowing you, you'd probably do another 30-day challenge..." Which was hilarious as I'd been thinking about that over the past few days. I feel a little like an airplane, I need a good juicy bit of energy to take off again, then I can settle into a cruising pattern once I'm up and running. We are going away for a few days in mid-August, but I think I can commit to some doubles to get a few in the bank to compensate and simply go for "30 in 30 days" vs. 30-days-straight. So, starting tomorrow, I hereby commit to 30 practices in the next 30 days!

1 comment:

Toddo said...

What about the bonus of being awake and talking to your friend in Hong Kong? Maybe something bigger is waking you so we can talk and you can help me with my Teacher Training over here : )